Wednesday, April 21, 2010

last blog

“Student’s ability to repay their loans after they leave school depends on their being able to obtain a well-paying job. Which depends in part on economic conditions when they finish their education” (Burdman).

Lower to middle class students all around the country have second thoughts about the value of their college education. Students are taking out larger and larger loans as the cost of college inflates faster than the salaries of families. Students do not have enough money to pay for college and take out loans. There are advantages of both not going to college and going to college but overall going to college outweighs not going. Community colleges have seen more and more students attending there because of the cheap tuition prices and under Obabmas policy education is suppose to be a major priority seen by his action with Pell Grant increase.

Works Cited
Basken, Paul. "Obama's Budget Makes Education a Major Exception to
Austerity." Chronicle of Higher Education 1, February. 2010: 1-3.

Baum, Sandy, and Marie O. "College on Credit: How Borrowers Perceive
Their Education Debt." NASFAA Journal of Student Finiancial Aid(2002): 1-19. Web. 25 Mar 2010.
Block, Sandra. "In a Recession, is College Worth it?" USA Today Print. The Bureau of Labor Statistics. Web. 1 Apr. 2010. .

Burdman, Pamela. “The Student Debt Dilemma: Debt Aversion as Barrier to College Access.” Centers for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley. (2005): 1-26. Print.

Carnevale, Anthony “The College Payoff” ASSEE Prism 16.2 (2006):68

Clark, Kim. “The Economy Affects Higher Ed” U.S. News & World
Report 10.66 (2008): 3-10. Print.

Field, Kelly. “Skeptics Say Billions for Education Wont Stimulate Economy.” The
Chronicle of Higher Education 55.23(2009): A1-A6. Print

Hirsch, Deborah. "Access to a College Degree Or just College Debt?" New England Journal of Higher Education 23.2 (2008): 17-8. Print.

Honawar, Vaishal. “Report: College Tuition Pinches Poor Families.” Education Week

Kristof, Kathy. "Crushed by College." Forbes 183.2 (2009): 60-5. Print

Lillis, Michael. "The Impact of Cost on College Choice: Beyond the Means of the Economically Disadvantaged. (Cover Story)." Journal of College Admission.200 (2008): 4-14. Print. New Jersey Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship. Web. 1 April2010. .

Porter, Kathleen. “The Value of a College Degree”. ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education Washington DC. (2002): 1-3. Print

Shellenbarger, Sue. "Weighing the Value of That College Diploma." Wall Street Journal 16 December. 2009: 1-3.

Supiano, Beckie. “Student Aid is up, but Rise in College Cost Outpaces
Family Income.” Chronicle of Higher Education 55.11(2008): A23.

The College Board. The College Board. Web. 18 Mar. 2010. .

Wang, Penelope. "Is College Still Worth the Price?" Money 37.9
(2008): 86-94. Print.

Watts, Amy L. Education and the Common Good Social Benefits of Higher Education in Kentucky. Frankfort, Kentucky: Kentucky Long Term Policy Research Center,2001. Print.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Blog 14

At first i never planned on even taking this course. When i showed up to the first class i noticed that this class has everything im going through right now in my life. I started off thinking about writing about alcohol and drugs on college campuses. I felt like to many people were doing that topic so i steered away from that in a way. After wrting the analytic essay i decided to do something along the lines of paying for college, and because i myself have taken out loans to pay for college i decided i would right on that.Is college worth the risk of taking otu loans. I started off with slim knowledge about college loans. After plenty of research my knowledge has grown and shown that college is worth the pirce of admission but even on an individual case people can fail at college and leave with debt. I also had very little knowlegde on how to research, but after the library sessions research was a lot easier.

Monday, April 5, 2010


This image shows the lifetime earning of people depending on their level of education. This chart shows that over a lifetime the higher education you have the higher income you will receive. This of course is not on an individual level but a average number showing that for the most part people with higher education earn more money. They do not take into account the amount of money paid for that education, but generally even if you add in that money you will still for the most part make more.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Blog 12

I am arguing that college is worth the cost of addmissions and that loans are more often than not worth the risk. I generally want to break my paper up into three sections:students who decide not to go to college, students who decide to go to college with loans, and students who go to college without loans. Each topic has kind of sub-topics. I want to enter other paragrpahs such as a part about job outlooks and how majors or degrees sometimes are not related to your job. I also want to explore community colleges and their positives. I also want another section about how students do not always have the right outlook on loans because of the complexity of them and that things such as financial packets or meeting exists but still are not much help for people who have never borrowed moeny before.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blogg 11

Today the cost of college is outrageous. With todays struggling economy more and mroe people are struggling to try and pay for college. This is where student loans come into play. Today more than ever people are taking out biggger and bigger loans and with the cost of college still on a steady rise the amount of loans taken out are parrellel. Student loans are putting more and more students in debt. My case is to try and show that even though the cost of college is outrageous the good from college highly outways the negatives. In my paper i am trying to incorparate alot of stats from college board and bureau of labor stats. The bureau of labor stats show that alot of jobs that do not involve college education have a very positve outlook in the next couple years while many jobs with college education show the opposite.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blog 10

The debate i have identified is between the people who are attending college and paying for them in loans and putting themselves in debt. The other side is the people who decide to forgo college and work straight out of high school avioding debt. Everyone has heard of the "million dollar payoff" claiming that on average most college graduates make over a span of a lifetime one million dollars more than the high school grad. Kathy Kristof talks about how those numbers are not necassarliy true when you take into acount the amount of money that college costs about 47,000 for a four year public university for tuition room and board books and food. Kim Clark talks also about how the amount financial aid might decrease over the next couple years, but on the contrary i recieved an email today about how Obama is trying to give more finicial aid to try and lower the amount of private loans being taken out, but a women named Sallie Mae opposes the aact, the emial reading "take a swing at Sallie Mae". I have yet to research who Sallie Mae is but these are the reasons students are choosing to forgo college because of the state of the economy and the costst. Research done by Micheal Lillis showed that the cost of college and how much finiancial aid a student will receive is the biggest reason for choosing a college. Researchers such as Burdman write about how college is still worth the price. Even with the economy in the state that it is college is still producing ready students for work.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I feel the project overall is going well. i still am having so much trouble finding a viable book about my topic. I feel that if I find a book it will excell my project to where im ready to start drafting the final project. I stil have yet to find a real "language" that people are using to talk about my project. Some people are using phrases like: "The debt dilhemma" "Leery of loans" "the curse of the class of 2009"(talking how people who graduated last year cannot find jobs), but i havent really found a term for the area debt vs gain of high school and college salries. I feel like i chose a good topic, but it is not the easiest topic to find shcolarly sources for. I have identified the wo arguements in my arguement one side being the "high school graduate" and the other side being the "in debt college student" and i have also find mulptiple other topics i want to incorparate into the paper like what majors are efficient to get a good job and what schools are the best to bargain and if this economy will eventualy break opening up more jobs. I feel that if i just find a few more scholarly sources including a book i will be able to sculpt my final project into something really special.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Blog 8

"The stories can be startling: The John Hopkins valedictorian who borrwoed $101,000 to get his degree, the Boston resident with $80,000 debt load and a 26,000-a-year job, the student with $25,000 in federal loans, who was forced to drop out of school because she was $5,000 behind on her college bills"(Burdman 1).

All around the country people like this are taking out huge loans to pay for college. "about 60 percent of gradutates have debt from their undergraduate studies. For those students, the average total debt is $22,700"(Supiano). In today's econimcal downturn people are more cautious than ever with their money. People without the money to pay for higher education are wondering is college really worth the price of admission? Is the risk of not receiving a high paying job in this economy turning people off to the idea of college? What majors are "recession proof" and will always guarentee good jobs after school if there are any?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

blog 7

Block, Sandra. “In a Recession, is college worth it? Fear of Debt Changes Plans.” USA

Today , 31 Aug. 2009. Web. 24. Feb, 2010. This article by Block talks about how if college is worth the cost during this recession. It talks about people who are struggling today with a college education. It also takes both sides. It talks about the good of the college education and people who are struggling without jobs with a college education.

Lillis, Michael. “ The Impact of Cost on College Choice: Beyond the Means of the

Economically Disadvantaged.” Journal of College Admission:1.200(2008):4-14. Print. This is a research project done in 2008 to discover how the cost of college affects how high school students choose where they will attend. They use questionnaires to ask questions that pertain to the topic. They set out to look how it affects the lower and middle classes and how class barriers affect where students attend school and if money is actually the issue to determine where people will attend.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bog 6 (Question)

My topic is about the economy and how it affects people going to college. The question i was thinking about answering is:
The price of admission for college is very expensive and young teens are putting themselves in debt without knowing if a college edcuation will get them a high paying job when not many jobs are avaible with the ecoomny the way it is. Others are earning good salries(some equal to ones of those of people with a college education) without college educations and wihtout the debt of college. Is the monetary value of college still worth the price with the economy the way it is?

Blog 5(5 sources)

Carnevale, Anthony “The College Payoff” ASSEE Prism 16.2 (2006):68

Field, Kelly. “Skeptics Say Billions for Education Wont Stimulate Economy.” The

Chronicle of Higher Education 55.23(2009): A1-A6. Print

Honawar, Vaishal. “Report: College Tuition Pinches Poor Families.” Education Week


Lillis, Michael. “ The Impact of Cost on College Choice: Beyond the Means of the

Economically Disadvataged.” Journal of College Admission:1.200(2008):4-14. Print.

Supiano, Beckie. “Student Aid is Up, but Rise in College Cost Outpaces Family

Income.” Chronicle of Higher Education 55.11 (2008): A23. Print.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


The RutgersRiot tutorial is a very good tool. It really helps you learn your way through reasearching. Usually I would just google or yahoo search keywords to get info but this tutorial teaches you how to use acedemic premier search to find valuable info about your topic. Ive used acedemic premier search but i never new really how to shorten my list of articles that pop up and narrow it down to just a few. The last section in the module helped alot too. It shows that not all the info you get is credible and how to find credible resources to write a papaer. Overall the module really reinforeced what the libriarian tought us in class on monday, but i believe it is a good tool to help with our research.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Where would i be able to find good aritcles or books about the economy?
Where would i be able to find good articles or books about drugs and alcohol?
What sections would I look in for books and artivcles about college in general so i can find info about my topics or even find a more intersesting topic for myself?


Since the last blog I havent really changed my ideas yet of what my topic will be. Im still undecided between two topics: how the slow economy is affecting college students and alcohol and drugs in the college environment. When i googled the drinking I found bunch of stuff about drinking in the college environment. One article was about tailgating drinking. I found a bunch of articles about how drinking age on campus should be 18 and off should be 21. was an intersting article about lowering the drinking age possibly to 19 or 20.The economy topic is one that was ahrder to find some info. After googled different topics i found some good info about how the econmoy is effecting college kids, like how its hard for them to get a high paying job and be in debt.

Monday, January 25, 2010

thoughts on final paper

I actually did not plan on taking this class this semester. I origanlly planned on taking a class like gaming and sports or the class called conspiracy to fill my writing requirement. I showed up the first day not really know what to expect from college! but as the first class went by I noticed that this class was perfect because it was excaclty what was going on in my life. For the final paper I was thinking about writing about the costs of college and if going to college will still excel me into a good high paying job in the future. With todays economy college might not even be worth it anymore. It puts you in major debt and you dont even know if your getting a good job when you get out. I know many people who are still waiting tables and working at local stores with their college degrees. Another topic i was thinking of was actual college and college life. How does drugs partying and alcohol effect all college students? It somehting that probably affects every college student even if they are not the ones using them.