Wednesday, February 24, 2010

blog 7

Block, Sandra. “In a Recession, is college worth it? Fear of Debt Changes Plans.” USA

Today , 31 Aug. 2009. Web. 24. Feb, 2010. This article by Block talks about how if college is worth the cost during this recession. It talks about people who are struggling today with a college education. It also takes both sides. It talks about the good of the college education and people who are struggling without jobs with a college education.

Lillis, Michael. “ The Impact of Cost on College Choice: Beyond the Means of the

Economically Disadvantaged.” Journal of College Admission:1.200(2008):4-14. Print. This is a research project done in 2008 to discover how the cost of college affects how high school students choose where they will attend. They use questionnaires to ask questions that pertain to the topic. They set out to look how it affects the lower and middle classes and how class barriers affect where students attend school and if money is actually the issue to determine where people will attend.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bog 6 (Question)

My topic is about the economy and how it affects people going to college. The question i was thinking about answering is:
The price of admission for college is very expensive and young teens are putting themselves in debt without knowing if a college edcuation will get them a high paying job when not many jobs are avaible with the ecoomny the way it is. Others are earning good salries(some equal to ones of those of people with a college education) without college educations and wihtout the debt of college. Is the monetary value of college still worth the price with the economy the way it is?

Blog 5(5 sources)

Carnevale, Anthony “The College Payoff” ASSEE Prism 16.2 (2006):68

Field, Kelly. “Skeptics Say Billions for Education Wont Stimulate Economy.” The

Chronicle of Higher Education 55.23(2009): A1-A6. Print

Honawar, Vaishal. “Report: College Tuition Pinches Poor Families.” Education Week


Lillis, Michael. “ The Impact of Cost on College Choice: Beyond the Means of the

Economically Disadvataged.” Journal of College Admission:1.200(2008):4-14. Print.

Supiano, Beckie. “Student Aid is Up, but Rise in College Cost Outpaces Family

Income.” Chronicle of Higher Education 55.11 (2008): A23. Print.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


The RutgersRiot tutorial is a very good tool. It really helps you learn your way through reasearching. Usually I would just google or yahoo search keywords to get info but this tutorial teaches you how to use acedemic premier search to find valuable info about your topic. Ive used acedemic premier search but i never new really how to shorten my list of articles that pop up and narrow it down to just a few. The last section in the module helped alot too. It shows that not all the info you get is credible and how to find credible resources to write a papaer. Overall the module really reinforeced what the libriarian tought us in class on monday, but i believe it is a good tool to help with our research.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Where would i be able to find good aritcles or books about the economy?
Where would i be able to find good articles or books about drugs and alcohol?
What sections would I look in for books and artivcles about college in general so i can find info about my topics or even find a more intersesting topic for myself?


Since the last blog I havent really changed my ideas yet of what my topic will be. Im still undecided between two topics: how the slow economy is affecting college students and alcohol and drugs in the college environment. When i googled the drinking I found bunch of stuff about drinking in the college environment. One article was about tailgating drinking. I found a bunch of articles about how drinking age on campus should be 18 and off should be 21. was an intersting article about lowering the drinking age possibly to 19 or 20.The economy topic is one that was ahrder to find some info. After googled different topics i found some good info about how the econmoy is effecting college kids, like how its hard for them to get a high paying job and be in debt.